RAWR is a part of the Rebel Arts Radio Collective which broadcasts every Monday night: http://www.mixcloud.com/RebelArtsRadio/
RAWR broadcasts every first monday of the month
The podcast from last Monday's show isn't up yet, but hopefully it will be soon and I'll add the link here.
I found myself sitting and smiling in a tightly packed recording studio with several other women in a fun and enthusiastic atmosphere. The show was being presented this night as an alternative to the media blanket of coverage about the Jubilee, and it opened with a call of 'Stuff The Jubilee!'
My Mum likes to remind me that as a child I used to apparently get a lump in my throat when 'God Save The Queen' was played. She wasn't talking about The Sex Pistols.
Well, I guess I still get a bit of a lump in my throat but it's for far less palatable reasons these days, since British patriotism is so often connected to jingoistic support for wars I don't agree with or attacks on other cultures or tabloid rantings against immigration.
I remember my mum singing 'I Vow To Thee My Country' as she was doing the housework. I liked the sound of her singing. My favourite though, was when she was singing 'Jerusalem'. I can remember hearing it from the kitchen when I was down the other end of the house in my bedroom and there was something comforting about it. Possibly because of this, Jerusalem always remained one of my brother's favourites too. I used to have some interesting discussions about the Royal family with my brother, ranging from whether Princess Diana was assassinated to whether the Queen really does have reptilian DNA. Whatever, he liked a portrait of the Queen I gave him and kept it up in his room:
I can remember when I was about 13 going to Portsmouth to join the crowds during a visit from the Queen. When the Royal car drove past us all, everyone was going crazy waving and calling. Lots of people tried to chase down streets to follow and predict where the car would drive through next, to catch a glimpse, get a photo. I was running down backstreets and got separated from the rest of the crowds. I was just running randomly, out of breath, when suddenly the Royal car turned into the street that I was standing in. I just stood and looked straight in at the Queen and waved as it drove slowly past. She smiled and waved back. I would need lots of exclamation marks to describe the excitement I felt that the Queen had looked at ME! She'd waved at ME! With no one else around! That day I was just a young girl in the street feeling bowled over by Fame and Fortune and the ultimate in Celebrity bestowing upon me a momentary, cursory, acknowledgement of my existence. To my adult mind now, from seeing a bigger picture of a world divided by inequalities and privileges, that all seems a little bit sick. Or at the very least, ungrounded!
Oh crap - I just found my brother's old photograph album and it looks like I must have been 16 - old enough to know better!! >Cringe< Unless of course this was a later visit? ;-)
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Photo taken by my brother Paul, outside Portsmouth Guildhall, 13th May 1987 |
I don't particularly hate the Queen as an individual person, though I doubt she'd ever be a close friend. I reckon within nanoseconds we'd be rubbing each other up the wrong way. To me, she and the rest of the Royal Family are a part of the State apparatus in this country that I would like to see fully restructured. I guess they are such blatant symbols and real examples of undemocratic power and privilege, and represent the upper end of a wealth hierarchy which I do completely oppose. It just isn't at all fair and I quite like things being reasonable and fair.
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Girls...from Google images (Disney) |
Emotionally, more of my angry feelings focus on the power and wealth hierarchies together with the heavy gender and class conditioning, running so intrinsically through our society, that so many people seem to think it's normal and the only way things can be. After all, there will always be poor people. Won't there? You can't ever have gender equality because girls just want to play with dolls and be princesses and boys just want to play with guns and be soldiers, right? Must be in their genes. And if everyone was born and brought up to feel that their lives and the lives of others, were equally worthy and valuable, who would do all the shit jobs? And who would consume all the shiny things? And who would the enemy be, whose humanity is less important than ours? Hmm, what a conundrum!
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Boys... from Google images |
I did manage to avoid most evidence of the Jubilee, apart from seeing a brief glimpse of the giddy jubilations in London on the TV. Also I kind of stumbled on a street party while I was walking in Cambridge, with all its bunting and long tables all down the street, laden with cups and plates and doilies. It reminded me of the Mad Hatter's Tea Party and I can definitely see the attraction of that - I think it pushes buttons in people, stirring feelings which get too easily forgotten these days - the stepping outside of our usual boundaries, the longing for real communities, where people get to know their neighbours and kids play safely in the streets without cars. And all held romantically together by that great British tradition that I am rather partial to - the cup of tea (though I think there were quite a few Continental beers on the table too...) I didn't have my camera with me but here's a nice little video that was taken there by the BBC:
I so hope the neighbourly smiles and community bonding doesn't crumble as soon as the bunting comes down. Maybe they'll be inspired to hold the next one in celebration of saving the NHS or kicking the Tories out? Or just for the pure joy of reclaiming the streets for people to chill out and spend time together in, playing music, sharing food and getting to know each other instead of driving through or shopping in.
We can't ignore the fact that the Jubilee is taking huge (as yet unknown) costs from public money at a time when economic cuts are so severely damaging services and support and personal lives of so many, particularly women (bearing in mind that British taxpayers, who financially support the Queen via the annual £30m sovereign grant, have already contributed an additional £1m this year to help with the costs of the Diamond Jubilee - The Guardian 5/6/12). At least it could prompt some questions about our priorities and what can bring more lasting happiness and pride to our lives and our society than a few lavishly spent days. Party pooper, doh!
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from Freedom Newspaper, March 8th 2012 |
So, getting back to sitting in the studio of Rebel Arts Women's Radio! While elsewhere people waved flags and raised a glass to one particular 86 year old woman, here the theme of the evening was about challenging stereotypes of older women by interviewing three ordinarily exceptional women who spanned 70 plus to 90 plus years.
The first woman to be interviewed was Elspeth Owen, who in her 70's was glad to be able to now officially call herself 'old'. She'd always liked old things she explained: old trees, old clothes... and now she could like herself being old.
"There's a confidence in being old, seeing through things that have taken you in before and being freed now from those things".
She spoke strongly of the importance of not getting stuck or segregated by age. This is one of the ridiculous things about schools - that age groups are not mixed but that children move through their lives only with those of their own age. Elspeth spoke of her deep appreciation of the value of being with people of all different ages. Thirty years ago when she was bringing up two boys she felt it was a time of optimism, exploding feminist awareness inspiring confidence and all sorts of changes. Nowadays she feels that women are struck by new anxieties and even more of a shift towards material needs. She's both an artist and a kind of self-invented pilgrim. Inspired by early walks she joined back in the 80s to Greenham Common, she is now continuing to integrate art and walking with her project 'Material Woman'. She will walk on Dartmoor between the two full moons in August and hopes to walk with a different person each day. She invites people of all ages to join and walk with her. To find out more about Elspeth's art and walking projects, visit her website at www.imaginedcorners.net
Elspeth Owen |
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Image snatched from Simon Mullen's Cambridge blog |
Being gay, she feels that amongst her friends she's not so surrounded by traditional stereotypes and not very affected by ageism. Otherwise,"if people speak over me, I shout a bit louder!" she laughed. She described how in 1953 when she was twenty, society wanted you to get married, have children and there was a lot of pressure to conform to that. However, the experience of bringing up kids then felt freer. They could play out in the street or the garden and there were less fears around that. Young women today, she feels, have a lot more worry about dangers to children and a lot more materialistic pressures. For the future she's looking forward to more life, more excitement, pottery camp...
Marie Thompson (right) |
She has a second book called 'The Bunny hugging Terrorist' and a third due to be published soon, which will contain interviews with many animal rights activists, entitled, 'Animals Betrayed'.
Joan became a passionate animal rights campaigner and activist, both locally and also nationally, and sailed with the activist ship Sea Shepherd when she was in her 80s.
Here's a Youtube video recorded a few years ago where Joan is interviewed about her views on the animal rights movement:
She went on to talk about one of the current campaigns she's involved with, to help 'Asbo' the Cambridge river swan, who was recently removed from the river after reports of aggressive behaviour towards rowers who were disturbing his family and nest. Despite the RSPCA advising that he be left with his nest, the River Authority went ahead and removed him and clipped his wings so that he could not fly home. Joan is inviting people to come and join a national demonstration against the killing or removal of wildlife on the river and for the return of 'Asbo'. This is on 16th July when the Cambridge colleges have their annual boat race, the Cambridge University Bumps. For more information: http://www.veggies.org.uk/event.php?ref=675
Joan Court (right) |
The gorgeous Timothy |
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